Sunday, June 6, 2010

I DID IT!!!!!!!

I DID IT!!!!! After 22 weeks of healthy living, I have dropped FIFTY POUNDS!!!! Check out the video for cool Before and After Pics and to see what 50 pounds equals in potatoes, butter, chihuahuas and children! :) (What can I say....I'm a tad bit excited!!!!)

So here's to THIS Fifty and to my future Fifty! :)


  1. Congrats again Katie!! I know firsthand how much work and dedication it takes to lose weight, so I'm very impressed and motivated by you! And I can totally see a difference, in your face and arms especially.

  2. Katie! Ryan and I watched your video and we are so proud of you. Goodbye, 10 chihuahuas! You are changing your life...most people only talk about it but you're actually doing it. Congrats and we love you!

  3. YEAH! I love you. The before and after are soooo cool.

  4. I am SO PROUD of you! Your video made me cry. I can't believe the before and after photos! Your face has really changed!!! You are an inspiration to me and to everyone! Keep up the good work. Let's go to the Y this week! I love you!

  5. You look FABULOUS! I am so very proud of you, Katie!! I think the one thing I have noticed over the past couple of months...your skin looks so very, very healthy and glowey!!! You are gorgeous, lady.:)

  6. You KICK ASS! Way to go, Katie! Loved the video, always love your spirit.

  7. We are so proud of you! Wish we could be there to walk/hike/dance/zumba/eliptical with you :)

  8. FANTASTIC! Way to go and keep it up!!!

  9. AMAZING!!! Great job Katie!! That is so awesome - I can totally tell the difference; you look great!

  10. Wow! In the same way weight creeps up on a person, I'm seeing it leave in the same way -- can't really notice from day-to-day until I see before/after pictures or see how you can exercise without passing out. Amazing work, Kate. I like the cubes of butter. Can't quite picture 50# of chihuahuas...
    (finally had time to watch and respond)
