Friday, August 27, 2010

Back on Track and Farmin' Like a Pro...or maybe like the Minor Leaques

Well, I just finished my first "official week" of back in the classroom with needless orientations on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. My dear friend Miriam and I have had a wonderful week of hanging out and she has graciously allowed me to stay at her kick-ass house in South Seattle. I'm soooo excited to be back in Seattle AND to be back in the classroom. I am also excited to get back in the routine of healthy eating and exercising. It's so much better when I have a routine and I'm back on track and eatin' and workin' out like a pro.

Or maybe like the Minor Leagues.

But I'll get there. I really will.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, routine. Is that the reason I've been waking up by 6 am every day?! I'm glad to hear things are going well :)
