Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Tomato Basil Soup

I got this recipe from my amazing friend Miriam and I LOVE IT!!! I was going through my ideas for recipes this week, because I think that half the battle of weight loss is actually having a PLAN. Those of you who know me, know that I stick to a plan...until a better one comes along. I am very much a spontaneous type of person, but I do like to plan some things. Parties for instance. Or Skype dates to various friends in foreign exotic countries. So long as I know this about myself I can try to prepare for the week. So tonight it's Miriam's AMAZING Tomato Basil soup.

So here's my recipe for tonight:
1 can stewed Italian tomatoes
a handful of basil, but tonight I'm using chopped basil from a tube. I buy it at Safeway and it's pretty rad!
1/4 C diced onion
TBL minced garlic
parmesan cheese
2 TBL non fat sour cream

Saute the onion and garlic. Add can of tomato and basil. bring to a simmer. Add a dollop of non fat sour cream and a sprinkle of parmesan cheese. DELISH! Oh, and if you have more points left, I love making whole wheat croutons by broiling a whole wheat bread slice cut into cubes. YUM!

The whole pan of soup is 3 points. YUM!

Anyone have an idea for my next meal????

1 comment:

  1. I was looking for a slow-cooker recipe at some point and found this website:

    The jalapeƱo poppers reminded me of you 'cause they're nice and spicy!
